Enchanting Elegance, A Spooky Love Story Laura Elizabeth and Stoian Todorov

Enchanting Elegance, A Spooky Love Story Laura Elizabeth and Stoian Todorov

In this hauntingly beautiful October, we bring you a captivating love story that transcends time. Laura Elizabeth and Stoian Todorov step into the spotlight, channeling the timeless charm of Morticia and Gomez Addams.

Behind the scenes, Stoian shares his experience of becoming Gomez, from moments of natural ease to the amusing task of clearing fog machine smoke. Their journey celebrates the eccentricity of the Addams family and their own quirks, like playfully poking fun at pronunciation.

Laura and Stoian’s shared joys in cooking, art, and photography bind them just as deeply as the iconic love between Gomez and Morticia. As Halloween approaches, they indulge in traditions like intricate pumpkin carvings and visits to historic mansions, adding an extra layer of magic to their love story. For couples seeking to infuse creativity into their relationships, they offer sage advice: savor the moment.

What was it like stepping into the shoes of Gomez Addams for the photoshoot? Any memorable moments from behind the scenes? 

Stepping into the shoes of Gomez Adams came natural for me, for I spend my life with Laura quite in the same manner with love and admiration and absolute devotion.

As far as any particular moments they were plenty. One moment in particular was when I had to scurry from end to end of the mansion and open doors to let the smoke out from the fog machine.

Shoot Locations: Oakland Cemetery Ogilvie Mansion Shreveport LA

MOLLMAG October 2023 Editorial Cover Photographer: Blake Butler

The Addams family is known for their unique and dark sense of humor. Did you and Laura find yourselves adopting any of their quirks while in character?

In or out of character the humor runs dark with us.  Lol. Most of the quirks adopted were only enhancements of the romance and playfulness we already share.

In the world of the Addams family, eccentricity is celebrated. How do you both embrace your own quirks and eccentricities in your relationship?

As for me it comes with admiration towards her individuality. As for Laura, she pokes fun at my pronunciation of certain words since I was raised in Switzerland a few years during my childhood.

Tell us about any hobbies or interests you and Laura share outside of the Addams family theme. What brings you both joy in your free time?

The things that bring us both joy and our free time are: cooking, cleaning, home improvements, art and photography.  

The best advice I could give to other couples looking to have more fun and creativity in the relationship during a themed photo shoot or event would be to live in the moment as long as possible. Make sure you have a room booked for a perfect ending to a wonderful day.  

Stoian Todorov

Gomez and Morticia have a legendary love story, what are some elements of their relationship that you admire or relate to in your own marriage?

I believe this was answered in my first question as it is the love, admiration and absolute devotion, but maybe it’s the many kisses on the arm or the gazing into each other’s eyes. The way they seem to be open with each other’s feelings with pure honesty.

As a couple, how do you keep the romance alive, especially in a world filled with spooky and mysterious adventures like the Addams family?

Spontaneity. Together we always try new themes and techniques with our photography and art and that helps us grow as well as solidify our bond as a couple.

Halloween is just around the corner, do you and Laura have any favorite spooky traditions or haunted places you enjoy visiting during this season?

Laura and I enjoy doing intricate pumpkin carvings. It is a yearly tradition. We also love visiting historic mansions and manors in the area. It’s kind of part of the photography when we are scouting locations    

What advice would you give to other couples looking to have more fun and creativity in their relationship, especially during themed photoshoots or events?

The best advice I could give to other couples looking to have more fun and creativity in the relationship during a themed photo shoot or event would be to live in the moment as long as possible. Make sure you have a room booked for a perfect ending to a wonderful day.  

The Addams family is known for their timeless style. How did you both approach capturing their iconic look and feel for the photoshoot?

In order to capture the iconic look of Morticia and Gomez, Laura and I studied the makeup and clothing. We rewatched the Addams Family movie with Raul Julia and Anjelica Huston. I also grew out a mustache.

Finally, can you share a humorous or memorable anecdote from your time working together on this project that our readers would enjoy hearing about?

There were many memorable moments while working on this project but I have to say that the morning of the graveyard shoot the weather was perfect and the mood was right. The skyline was pretty as for Morticia; she was all the darkness for my heart’s delight.

Savoring the Season

When it comes to treats, Laura’s culinary talents shine brightly. Her YouTube cooking channel she recently launched is a testament to her love for fall flavors and more. For those who dare to subscribe, she shares her recipes of plant based and pescatarian style prepared dishes.

As we dive into the enchanting world of October, let Laura Elizabeth’s hauntingly beautiful spirit and artistic prowess guide you through the magical moments this bewitching season has to offer. Prepare to be captivated by her creativity, her culinary talents, and her unwavering commitment to staying true to herself in the world of modeling.